Saturday, November 18, 2023

A rescue near The Hidden Castle

The Hidden Castle is a castle-themed resort in Medak district near Hyderabad, India.  To reach there from the city is approx. 2 hours drive.  We were still astonished by the grand theme of this place when we checked in to the attic room that we had booked during our family vacation.

While gazing out of the window of our room, we heard cries of a dog coming from some distance.  From the farms that were beyond the resort.  The dog was nowhere to be seen. But the cry for help was repeating.  During the afternoon and the evening I made attempts to cross the boundary of the resort, but the fence was an obstacle I could not overcome.  All night the dog was crying for help.

The next morning, a short hike was arranged for all guests by the resort staff.  While going for the hike, I found the way to walk out of the resort towards the area where the dog was crying.

After the trek, I and my daughter stepped out to find where the dog was and what was the matter with it.  A search through some thorny bushes towards the source of the sound lead me to the dog who was tied to the fence with a metal chain.  I untied the chain from the fence.  But the dog was too tired to even stand up.  The two biscuits I gave were not sufficient to restore the energy.


Khushi jumped over the fence and untied the chain from the dog's neck.  There was nobody to be seen in the rice farms.  Why to tie the dog in the farm and leave him starving for days.

The dog was completely exhausted and could not stand up.  I ran to the kitchen of the resort and got some slices of bread.

After eating the bread pieces the doggy made attempts to stand up.

After some time we had to leave the doggy and come back in the resort.  Our room checkout time was already over.  When we started walking, the doggy got up and we saw he had thee legs.  One leg was missing.  He knew the path where he wanted to go.  Khushi and I jumped over the fence.  Observing that we left the farm and went on the other side, the doggy kept howling and asking us to join him instead.

Our time with the doggy was limited and over.  And the same is for all of us.

यथा काष्ठं च काष्ठं च समेयातां महोदधौ ।
समेत्य च व्यपेयातां तद्वद् भूतसमागम: ॥

If this world is considered to be a big ocean, then we all are like logs of wood floating around.  We come together and then are separated.  None of us are permanent companions.  All we have is to spend our time together while we are together.  The dog is also a living being.  Why tie him to starve?  Wouldn't we want to help our fellow beings to be free?  Isn't that the purpose we are given.  In medieval times folks used to go to Kashi to attain freedom from this mortal world.  In this modern age, someday I want to visit Muktinath, known to be a Mukti Kshetra, which literally means the 'liberation arena'.  What worked in the Golden Age (Satya Yug) would not work in the modern times (Kali Yug).  Rather than the rituals and the mantras, Karma is the formula for Kali Yug, the modern times.

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